Hello again,
It has been a while since I have written a blog post here hasn’t it?
I have to be honest blogging it is one thing that I have struggled with over the years. It is often one of the first things to go when things get a little hectic, hello wedding season!
As we settle in the autumn months, my favourite I must add, my client workload is decreasing and giving way to a long awaited new phase of TLW Design Studio.
Some of you may already know that this autumn will bring a big change to how things work at TLW HQ. Today I want to take you behind the scenes of where we came from and reveal, a little more excitingly, where we are going!
From Humble Beginnings
When I sat down to gather my thoughts for this post, it dawned on me that if it has been 8 YEARS since I started creating wedding invitations, and when I say humble beginnings, I mean it! Think me, my not so trusty laptop from university and home printer.
I started making wedding invitations for my very trusting friends and family loving the design process and creative outlet – even if I didn’t have a clue about business.
(In fact I am pretty certain I probably lost money initially with the amount of reprinting required!)
A grand total of 6 sets of invitations (7 including my own) started the journey, and my only regret is that I don’t have photographs of each set but here are a few cherished designs from the early days!
Making it official
Matthew, my first baby boy, was born in July 2017 and I realised I didn’t want to go back to a 9-5! I needed more flexibility and so, Two Little Words was born!
TLW started out, as most small businesses do, as a side hustle to a main “pay the bills” kind of job! There where lots of late nights and weekends fulfilling client orders, as well as trying to build a brand to call my own. I’m not going to lie…. it was pretty stressful, especially with a small human at home too!
There have been ups and downs, and a second baby boy (Connor), to get me to where I am now. 7 years on, yes SEVEN, and things could not be more different. TLW is a thriving luxury wedding stationery business, less concerned with what is ‘trendy’ or ‘fashionable’. We are focused on timeless, elegant design and creating luxury wedding stationery that sets the tone for our couples perfect day.
So, what lies ahead I hear you ask?
The answer is, something LONG AWAITED!
I hope you won’t be too upset when you find out I am not about to spill the beans just yet on exactly what is coming, I have to keep some suspense!
But what I can tell you is that what is coming will completely transform the way you can work with me!
It will increase the amount of weddings I can work on each month, whilst infinitely increasing the amount of time I have to spend with my bespoke clients. It will drastically improve the experience you have as a client, taking away stress and bringing a new level of organisation to your wedding stationery planning.

Any of you who have followed along with TLW will know that I have been waiting for this stage for a very long time!It is SUPER exciting for me, and I hope for you too. I promise the wait will be short, as everything behind the scenes is full steam ahead bringing all of my dreams and plans to reality!
For now, I hope you enjoyed a quick look back at where we started and a peak at where we are going!
I hope to see you come with us!
Want to hear more?
If you would like to find out more about me or the TLW story you can click the links and read on.
Photography by Denise Leacock Photography